
Physical Activity for Children


In addition to playing competitive sports, individuals can also enjoy other activities that are physically demanding. For example, billiards and NASCAR are not particularly physical activities, but singing and dancing competitions are. Even archery requires more physical exertion than darts, but this does not prevent competitors from participating. A game of darts, for example, may be both fun and exhausting. The first player to reach five points wins. The same can be said of other competitive activities.

Not only do sports help children develop physical fitness, they also develop character. Children who play sports develop analytical and goal-setting skills, as well as a positive attitude towards life. Furthermore, they help build five essential components of fitness: agility, endurance, strength, flexibility, and balance. These aspects are essential for success and peace of mind. These traits will serve them well throughout their lives. And finally, sports also help children build their self-esteem, which is vital in today’s competitive world.

The ancient Chinese and Aztecs enjoyed ball games. Unlike today, when most games are considered rituals, ancient peoples had ball games as part of their everyday lives. While most ball games were not competitive, ancient Greek and Roman civilizations regarded them as such. The Greek physician Galen, writing in the 2nd century ce, recommended the activity for health. And in the United States, it is possible that ball games were practiced even before games began.