
The Role of the Individual in Sports


Sports are universal in nature. Their popularity reflects national cultures, national values, and the interests of their participants. In the 19th century, sports emerged as global processes, as a result of the creation of national sports organizations and the standardization of rules. Regular international competitions and special games were established, such as the Olympic Games. The rise of global sports has given rise to a new set of social and body cultures. But what is the role of the individual?

Although the aesthetic element of sports still persists in many forms, their emphasis is increasingly quantified. For example, a semantic shift between Renaissance and modern sports can be seen in the words “measure”. The word measure, for instance, used to refer to balance and proportion, but now denotes numerical values. It is this shift that explains the popularity of modern sports. Despite this transition, many aspects of sports are the same across cultures and continents.

Asian cultures were influenced by African culture and developed equestrian games. Aristocratic Indians used horsebacks for hunting and archery. These aristocratic warriors often performed equestrian feats, demonstrating equestrian skills. While ball games and equestrian contests are relatively modern, the ancient traditions of African and Asian cultures have long influenced the evolution of sports. Some cultures have even incorporated the elements of magical cults into their modern-day sports.