
The Origins of Sports


Modern sports are a part of our society. It is not clear when they first emerged, but they are rooted in the late 17th century in England. During the Restoration, the Puritans drove traditional pastimes underground, and this ultimately led to the development of organized games. This development was aided by the Marylebone Cricket Club, which was founded in 1787. The club played cricket and led the way in the evolution of organized competition and rationale.

Various forms of sports develop social and emotional skills. Emotions are a reflection of the athlete’s perception of their performance and how others see it. Some feelings are anticipatory, while others occur during the performance and afterward. Many sports subcultures have scripted emotional behaviors and rules that athletes and spectators follow. The rules of these processes help athletes define roles and forge links between sports and national identity. In addition to being a social activity, sports promote a positive mindset.

The origin of the concept of sports has multiple cultural and historical roots. In Renaissance Europe, a sport was a game where the goal was to gain a title or win a competition. However, modern sports have a more scientific and quantitative focus. One of the most notable shifts from the Renaissance period to the present can be seen in the word measure. At one time, the word measure connoted a sense of balance and proportion, but gradually began to be used in a strictly numerical sense.